
D  R  E  A  M  E  R  S

An action, adventure, romance, cosmic fiction graphic novel

R E A L I T Y   I S   B U T   A N   I N F I N I T E   D R E A M

The barriers between reality, spirituality, and dreams are shattered when a person is chosen worthy to become part of a secret society called: The Awakeners — individuals from throughout a vast multiverse who have learned and awakened the supernatural powers that lay dormant within them, and are task with the fulfillment of a certain cause. A cause to protect the cycle of life within their precious multiverse from coming to a standstill.

A consequence that is greatly underestimated by the leaders of an immortal race, whose ambition is to dominate the entirety of the multiverse with their divine-like influence to create an ever-lasting yet meaningless material paradise. 

It is up to the Awakeners to foil their plan so that balance within the multiverse can be maintained and the meaningful Infinite Dream of its creator continues on.

But within this Almighty-dreamt existence of countless realities, one has within it a being capable of harnessing the power to obliterate it all.

The only way to stop this great threat lies with the newly chosen Awakener: Zeal, who must venture deep into his subconscious and recall dark memories from a past life that could either alter his well-being and ultimately doom the entirety of existence from all hope or hold the key to saving it and the dreamers within.